Founded in 1911, the once small Cong Vong Contagious Hospital has developed over its 100 year history. Bach Mai Hospital (BMH) has now become a leading comprehensive general hospital with spacious facilities, synchronized modern equipment and qualified staffs, who are comprised of professors, PhD holders, doctors, physicians, pharmacists, technicians, nurses, midwives, and others. Our fantastic staff and facilities enable BMH to fulfill every task assigned by the Ministry of Health, such as providing medical services at the highest level of the Vietnamese healthcare system, training, scientific research, guiding lower level hospitals, disease prevention, international cooperation and health-economic management.

BMH has 1900 beds with 2 institutes, 8 centers, 21 clinical departments, 6 paraclinical departments, 9 functional departments, 1 nursing school and 3 others units.

1. Providing medical services and emergency care at the highest level of Vietnamese medical care system
Every year, BMH provides medical services for more than 900,000 out-patients and 100,000 in-patients. Many advanced techniques used through-out the world are being utilized:
  • o Radiation imaging with PET/CT
  • o Radio surgery with rotating gamma knife
  • o Radiotherapy with intensity modulated radiation therapy
  • o Gene therapy
  • o Kidney transplantation
  • o Intra vascular ultrasound
  • o Intra-trachea-bronchial stent placement
  • o Molecular biological diagnostic testing for infections (automated bacterial and viral identification test)

2. Training:
  • o Continuing training for all medical staff, especially in the North.
  • o Formal Nursing training (Nursing school)
  • o Rotation training for post-graduates of Medical Universities and Nursing Schools, newly graduated students, newly recruited doctors.
  • o Working in collaboration with Hanoi Medical University and Hanoi University of Pharmacy, BMH is also a practical hospital for students from Nursing Schools, Medical Colleges, Medical Universities and postgraduates (resident doctors, 1st specialization doctors, 2nd specialization doctors, MA, fellows)
  • o Directly training interns, 1st specialization doctors and 2nd specialization doctors
  • oPracticing hospital for foreign medical students and graduates to visit and study
Bach Mai hospital has held hundreds of training courses, allowing thousands of trainees in lower level hospitals to learn the techniques used in many specialties at BMH.

3. Scientific research:
  • o Each year, BMH implements hundreds of scientific research projects, many of which are at state-level or ministerial level and some with international cooperation (in 2010, there were 229 research projects)
  • o A Journal “Clinical Medicine” is published every month.
  • o A scientific conference is held every 2 years and a scientific seminar is held every month.
  • o Each year, BMH successfully holds several scientific conferences and workshops many of which are international ones.

4. Giving direction to lower level hospital (DOHA) activities:
Along with the activities of developing the hospital, BMH assists 31 provinces in professional field through training and technique transfer.
  • o DOHA activities have been widely implemented in almost all provinces in the North. From 2000 to 2010, BMH has held 1081 training courses with 44,691 trainees and dispatched 5,385 turns of staff to support lower-level hospitals.
  • o BMH has been implementing Project 1816 in which higher level professionals are rotated to lower levels to support them in increasing the quality of health care.
  • o BMH has also been implementing The satellite hospital project in prioritized professional and management fields such as intensive care, internal medicine, laboratory testing, hospital infection control, infectious diseases, information technologies, online networks, health education, health promotion and hospital management.

  • 5. Epidemic Prevention:
    • o BMH received and successfully treated patients with SARS, which contributed to the control of SARS epidemic with no patients died of SARS and made Vietnam one of the first countries in the world to prevent and successfully control the SARS global epidemic.
    • o BMH succeeded in controlling many epidemics including Avian flu H5N1, A-H1N1, cholera epidemics, dengue fever and other infection epidemics.

    6. International Cooperation:
    • o Every year BMH receives more than 100 international delegations with about 900 attendees
    • o Continues to expand international co-operation with Japan, United States of America, France, Singapore, China and many others
    • o Successfully holds many international conferences
    • o Hundreds of Bach Mai Hospital staff members were trained in Japan, America, Taiwan, Korea… and other overseas destinations.

    7. Health-economic management:
    BMH has pioneered in health economic management with many creative methods: Publicizing hospital fees and expenditures on medication for patients; Applying information technologies on hospital management; Centralizing management of equipment and accessories; Implementing labor management, patient record management in order to economize budgeting and prevent financial waste.
    Through-out its 100 year history of development, BMH has become a prestigious leading hospital, not just for its patients but for the entire country. BMH has had the honor of awarding many noble appellations: The First-class Resistance War Order, The First-class Labor Order, The First-class Independence Order, Ho Chi Minh Order, Appellation of Hero of People’s Armed Force and Appellation of Labor Hero in Renovation.

    Objectives for the future of Bach Mai hospital:
    • o General objectives: develop BMH into a specialized comprehensive general hospital which is on par with more developing and developed countries in the region.
    • o Specific objectives:
    • o Refining the management structure and organization, further attracting and recruiting highly-qualified personnel in commensurate with the scale and position of a premium general hospital. While also reinforcing domestic and international training with the goal of attaining multi-faceted knowledge and skills for the personnel, particularly emphasizing team-training for prioritized specialties. This will build a highly professional staff team and create an appropriate corporate culture.
    • o Developing present Centers and Institutes of the Hospital. Upgrading some departments into Centers and developing centers into higher quality centers.
    • o Increasing activities in scientific research - spending priority on research which will help apply modern medical practice into medical services for patients, and research in collaboration with international partners.
    • o Being proactive in working with epidemic control and prevention.
    • o Increasing activities which assist lower level hospitals, in order to enhance diagnostic abilities and treatment for the patients, and to limit the number of patients moving to higher level hospitals which helps prevent overloading central hospitals.
    • o Enhancing the management of health economics, thrifty practice and improving the quality of living for staff.
    • o BMH has been building and developing a high tech and International medical center with 21 floors and 500 new beds in order to make BMH become a hospital with 3,500 beds for inpatients in 2020.

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